Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hi Staff,

Please add this to your blogs, newsletters!


A message from Mr. Hill:

The cold weather is fast approaching. We ask parents to dress their youngster as warmly as possible prior to their leaving for school. Even though some children ride the bus to school, they still will be spending a considerable amount of time outdoors on the playground, particularly during the noon hour. Our school district policy states that when it is not raining or when the temperature is 10 degrees or above, pupils are not permitted into the building until the usual time of 8:25 AM (unless they are having breakfast) and 12:45 PM for 4K so be sure to dress your youngster for our Wisconsin winters. On rainy days or when the temperature is below 10 degrees, pupils are permitted to enter the building at 8:15 AM and will spend the noon hour indoors. A red flag will be placed on the doors indicating early entrance due to inclement weather. Please be sure your child has a hat and a pair of mittens. PLEASE LABEL THEIR ITEMS SO IT’S EASIER TO RETURN IF THEY ARE LOST.


Joseph Hill Principal

General Mitchell Elementary

January 2, 2013-January 4, 2013 Our academic focus will be:
Reading: We will continue to ask and answer questions to show the understanding of a text.
Writing: We will begin to work with persuasive writing.
Math: Multiplication strategies including two-digit multiplication.
Inquiry: Continue to research chosen countries for culture unit.
Mr. Hill has asked that you take a few minutes and respond to a technoloy survey on the following link:
  • Now that the winter weather is here please remember to send your child with appropriate clothing for the weather. Jackets, snowpants, boots, mittens/gloves, and scarves will help keep your child comfortable when playing outside. All students are expected to go out for recess unless there are severe weather conditions. We do not have extra winter clothing at school that can be lent to your child. Also remember to send along their shoes. Winter snow boots are not comfortable or appropriate for the classroom. 
  •  I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone of you a very happy holiday season! Please enjoy the extra time you have with your child over the break. I ask that you continue to have them read and practice math facts over the break. Then when they return we can hit the ground running.
                                                                      Thank you.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Our academic focus next week will be:

Reading: Ask questions to gain information from a text.

Writing: Use sequencing words to organize our work.

Math: Multiplication strategies.

Inquiry: Explore books about different cultures to build background knowledge.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Room 104's academic focus for the week of December 10, 2012:

Reading: Learn to ask questions while reading to help build comprehension.

Math: Continue to find, describe, and apply rules tht define patterns. Work on learning/mastering multiplication facts.

Writing: Write a story with a strong beginning, middle, and ending that flow smoothly.

Inquiry: Choose a culture to research. Have fun learning about holidays in different cultures.

Room 104 will be hosting the weekly FISH Meeting in the multipurpose room next Friday, December 14th. Everyone is welcome to join us. The meeting starts at 8:45am.

Winter Concert: Thursday, December 13, 2012. Students should be at Nathan Hale High School by 6:00pm. The concert begins at 6:30pm. We hope to see you there!